Save the date – “Charles Darwin at 200: Evolution & Evidence” on 2/4/2009

Please save the date of February 4 for the Fedder Lecture series, co-sponsored by TREE Foundation and New College Foundation as part of their Hot Topics series.

“Charles Darwin at 200: Evolution & Evidence”

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
7 PM at Sainer Art and Music Pavilion, New College Campus
5313 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL, 34243 (Campus Map)

Tim Berra, Professor Emeritus, Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University
Meg Lowman, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Environment Studies

Ticket price: $15
NCF students, faculty & staff: Free
Reservations: (941) 487-4155 or email [email protected]

A special Chuck Darwin birthday cake and a toast to evolution afterward! Bring your friends.
