Join canopymeg! missions

Meg has conceived of and led mission-oriented initiatives almost too numerous to name over her 40+ years as an arbornaut, leading forest canopy scientist, and conservationist.  As a principled person, Meg has used her personal and professional core values to guide this work.  These initiatives follow three themes which, together, represent her purpose:

  • explore, research, and conserve global forests
  • mentor the next generation (especially women and minorities) in sustainability and forest stewardship
  • educate diverse audiences through storytelling


Mission Green is a bold endeavor to stop global deforestation, protect our planet’s biodiversity, and provide indigenous communities with sustainable economic opportunities! read more…

myakka mission accomplished

The TREE Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Sarasota, Florida dedicated to tree research, exploration, and education.  Meg co-founded the organization in 1999 and has served as Executive Director since then. read more…

protecting valuable forest fragments

In January 2009, the TREE Foundation forged a partnership with the Christian Orthodox clergy in Ethiopia to conserve their church forests. read more…