Dr. Lowman speaking at NC Museum’s Science Café on Jan. 18th

Science Café: Rain Forests – Going, Going, Gone?

Date: Jan. 18, 6:30–8:30 pm with discussions beginning at 7 pm followed by Q&A
Location: Tir Na Nog, 218 South Blount Street, Raleigh, 919.833.7795
Fee: Free
RSVP: 919.733.7450×531 or email: [email protected]

Every child grows up with a sense of awe about tropical forests — extraordinary creatures including poison dart frogs, sloths, orchids and jaguars representing a veritable treasure-trove of biodiversity. But scientists estimate that more than half of Africa’s rain forests are gone, with at least 40 percent losses in Asia and Latin America and 95 percent in Madagascar. Even with new technologies, measuring tropical deforestation is not easy, and illegal logging is epidemic in many parts of the world. What is the prognosis for the future of tropical rain forests? And how will human beings fare if these vital ecosystems disappear? What essential services do tropical forests provide for the planet, and how can we conserve them for our children?
