Dr. “CanopyMeg” Lowman was a guest on “Community — The TV Show” hosted by Annette Scherman on February 3, 2012. Appearing with Dr. Lowman was New College student Michael Long.
Meg Lowman talks about her recent travels and adventures including travel to Africa to help save the Church Forests of Ethiopia, forest conservation in India, and her work on the Nature Research Center (NRC), the new 80000 square-foot wing at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
Photos were displayed of the wall construction in Ethiopia that was accomplished with the help of Sarasota’s own TREE Foundation. The TREE Foundation is auctioning off the naming rights of new species of beetles and other organisms in Ethiopia. These funds go toward saving the last remaining fragments of forest in Ethiopia.
Dr. Lowman brings some art work and other interesting objects she has collected from her travels for some “show-and-tell” with Annette.
Michael Long talks about Meg’s influence on his decision to attend New College of Florida and his current studies which focus on bridging science with policy.
TREE Foundation website: http://www.treefoundation.com
Nature Research Center: http://naturesearch.org/