We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless, while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity. — E.O. Wilson, biologist, Harvard University
The world-acclaimed biologist Edward O. Wilson is writing a book for young people called “Letters to a Young Scientist,” scheduled for publication in early 2013. Several years ago, Wilson wrote a novel. Although it sounds slightly out of context for one of the world’s top scientific experts on biological diversity to write a novel, this Harvard University professor has embarked on a desperate quest. He has no time to lose. His urgent mission is to communicate science effectively to the public, especially messages about astonishing losses of biodiversity on Earth.
With some futility, he has tried myriad approaches to garner attention for his mission — novels, scientific writing, university teaching, advising political leadership, religion, creation of a nonprofit, a web-based encyclopedia, a taxing public-lecture schedule, and international acclaim akin to that of a rock star.
Now he will use North Carolina’s Nature Research Center to address teenagers through a multi-media technology platform called the Daily Planet. Akin to the famous Jason Expedition whereby middle-schoolers participated in virtual, remote field trips undersea with Bob Ballard (and into the rain forest canopy with your columnist, “CanopyMeg”), today’s distance learning platforms do not require expensive fees to access, but are available on a laptop or a classroom white-board.
This is why Wilson, at the “young” age of 83, is resorting to virtual technologies to communicate his urgent message about the fate of the planet.
At 1 p.m. Thursday, Wilson will speak to teenagers around the globe in a “live-stream” conversation (www.livestream. com/naturalsciences). Students can send him a question in advance via email ([email protected]).
Although this type of virtual communication may seem quite foreign to those of us over the age of 30, it is simply part of the everyday toolkit for youth who are adept with text messages, Facebook, online shopping, Google, and tweeting (not the ornithological term, but the mode of sending instant messages).
Pine View students to join in
Florida students will join North Carolina students in Wilson’s conversation. As part of their preparation for “speaking” virtually to Wilson, fifth-graders at Pine View School in Osprey were asked an important question: “If you had a magic wand, what environmental issue would you solve in the next decade?”
Their answers will assure you that the future of the planet is in good hands:
1.”I would make everything biodegradable so the things in the landfill would degrade into the soil.” — from Dara
2.”I would make a battery that constantly charges from solar energy. … This can help avoid running out of fossil fuels by the end of our generation.” — from Vinay
3.”I would make all cars electric. I would also try to put trains all around the world. If all the cars were electric, no pollution would come into the world.” — from Nicolas
4.”I would solve our problem of polluted water. … I would also bewitch people so they do not litter.” — from Ben
5.”I would save the Everglades. Pollution from large ranches spurs algal blooms and invasive plant growth in Lake Okeechobee and the rest of the Everglades. … I would have the water management district ‘crack down’ on Lake Okeechobee’s worst polluters — and soon!” — from Carmen
Our youth offer many innovative ideas and solutions. Role models like E.O. Wilson inspire the next generation to make a difference. Thanks to great teachers, both in our Sarasota County schools and also virtually through new technologies, our children can (and will) make a difference. That is the best holiday gift we can ever wish for!
Meg Lowman, a longtime Sarasota-based scientist and educator, is chief of science and sustainability at the California Academy of Sciences.
Originally posted in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.