Dr. Lowman’s latest Nature’s Secrets column in newsobserver.com:
The new Nature Research Center in downtown Raleigh is a world-first in many ways – cutting-edge scientists working in glass labs where the public can see their activities, unprecedented global outreach of science discoveries through the multi-media SECU Daily Planet theater, myriad citizen science participatory programs for the public, and lots of hands-on, interactive exhibits that teach visitors “how we know” (not just “what we know”) about science.
Another first of the NRC is its youth leadership. Most institutions operate with a board of directors consisting of business leaders and philanthropists, but the NRC has a leadership team of teenagers. The Teen Advisory Board serves as a voice of the museum, providing insights to programming that will inspire the next generation of scientists. They help select speakers and content of Science Cafes, and offer advice on videos and other educational media.