Meg Lowman believes in a lot of things: The sanctity of the treetops. The importance of insects, curiosity, resilience, and adventure. She believes in “no child left indoors” and “the power of one.” And kismet. “I find that I find myself at the right place at the right time,” the pioneering treetop ecologist says as she takes a brisk walk around Raleigh’s Lake Johnson one recent afternoon. “A lot of things just happen by fate.”Maybe. But Lowman, 59, didn’t become “Canopy Meg,” the vanguard-setter for an entire science, and the founding director of the N.C. Nature Research Center, without more than luck on her side. She is also a successful author, one who has helped invent new mechanisms to explore the canopy’s “eighth continent” and popularized the very idea of venturing up high to learn more about what’s happening down below.