“Citizen Science for Tree Climbers” a scientific symposium at the Tree Climbers Rendezvous in Atlanta, GA (October 9-14, 2013)
If you love trees, there’s something here for you! Recreational and professional tree climbers, arborists, foresters, canopy researchers, students:
- Come climb with us in big, tall trees.
- Learn to be a “citizen tree scientist”.
- Non-climbers welcome.
A joint project of Tree Climbers International, Inc. (TCI) and the Native Tree Society (NTS)
[one_half]Featured Speakers
- Will Blozan, ISA-C; President, NTS
- Kim Coder, PhD, ISA Past-President
- John Gathright, Founder, Tree Climbing Japan
- Peter Jenkins, Founder, TCI
- Bob Leverett, Executive Director, NTS
- Meg Lowman, “Mother” of canopy research
- Joan Maloof, Founder, Old Growth Forest Network
- Richard Preston, author, The Wild Trees
- Cameron Williams, NTS, UCalif-Berkeley
[one_half_last]Workshop Leaders
Some of the featured speakers and
- Kevin Bingham, ISA-C
- Eric Folmer, ISA-C
- Tim Kovar, Founder, Tree Climbing Planet
- William Miller, PhD, Baker Univ., Kansas City
- Michael Spraggon, NTS, U.K.
- Tony Tresselt, ISA-C
- David Tukey, ISA