Pioneering scientist speaks to Woman’s Club

Dr. Lowman speaks to the Tarboro Woman’s Club about preserving the tropical forests of Ethiopia and encouraging girls to become scientists.

From The Tarboro Daily Southerner:

TARBORO — The woman who discovered treetop canopy ecology, Dr. Meg Lowman, spoke to the Tarboro Woman’s Club at their meeting at The Fountains at the Albemarle Wednesday afternoon.

Lowman’s primary goal today is preserving the tropical forests of Ethiopia, but another important mission for her is encouraging girls to become scientists.

“I try to use it wisely, the fact that I am a pioneer and I managed to start a branch of science,” Lowman said. “I try to be really out there for young women…We just have to help girls recognize that they can do whatever they like.”

Her hope is that girls interested in science but afraid to pursue their interests will look at her accomplishments and think,

“If she can do it, I can do it, too.”

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