Summer 2017 REU program in Ethiopia – Now Accepting Applications

In Summer 2017, the REU Site at Colby College in Waterville, Maine will offer eight undergraduate students the chance to conduct path-breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of church forests in Amhara, Ethiopia.

During the 8-week program (June 12-August 9), students will train at Colby College in social survey and ecological methods, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and written and oral communication. They will then collect and analyse original data working with REU mentors Dr. Travis Reynolds and Dr. Denise Bruesewitz of Colby College, Dr. Margaret Lowman of the California Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Alemayehu Wassie of Debre Tabor University.

The National Science Foundation will provide each student researcher with a stipend of $4,000, as well as all housing costs and round-trip travel expenses, including a workshop at the California Academy of Sciences.

To apply, visit our website at and complete the online application form. Completed applications including 2 letters of recommendation are due by February 15th, 2017.


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