TREE Foundation‘s peripatetic Exec Director Meg Lowman is featured in the current issue of SRQ Magazine — answering questions about everything from Oreo cookies to Singapore to who she’d want to have as guests at a last supper. Read it. Laugh. Then, if you want to help TREE and Meg in the mission to save our planet one tree at a time, all donations welcome at
And, isn’t Chris Leverett’s image of Meg just perfect? He’s a Booker High VPA grad who went on to study at Ringling College of Art and Design.
From SRQ Magazine:
The elusive arbornaut reps titles such as the director of the TREE Foundation, National Geographic explorer, research professor and science advisor to Earthwatch. An avid rainforest-saving advocate and an eco-conscious mentor for young generations, she shows her love for nature with a sizable tarantula tattoo on her forearm, and by rocking hiking boots over high heels. Find Canopy Meg either cleaning the house to rap music, checking in on her grown boys in Boston and San Francisco, or swinging across canopy bridges in the treetops while devouring Oreo cookies.