June 7: CanopyMeg Talks about Life as an Arbornaut and MISSION GREEN

This Monday, June 7, 7 to 8:30 pm (EST): Join CanopyMeg Lowman for a fun and fascinating (and free!) conversation about her adventures of a lifetime spent exploring forest treetops worldwide. Includes live Q&A! Click on the image below to register.

From her early days as a tree-climbing innovator and arbornaut to her latest initiative, MISSION GREEN, Meg will take not just a look back but a look forward to how we can save our planet through forest conservation efforts AND — she’ll give sneak peaks into her soon-to-be-released memoir, The Arbornaut (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, August 2021; available for presale).

This event generously hosted by The Williams Club of New York.