Meg Lowman’s The Arbornaut Now Featured on Bioneers

On October 22, 2021 Meg Lowman recent memoir The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth Continent in the Trees Above Us was featured on Bioneers’ Environmental Education page. Bioneers is a nonprofit organization based in New Mexico and California that promotes practical and innovative solutions to global environmental and bio-cultural challenges. The article includes an excerpt from the books about Meg exploring the water bears often overhead in the canopy and developing access to the outdoors for mobility-limited students. Here is small snippet of the article, but to read the full excerpt of The Arbornaut be sure to click the link below to read the full version.

“Lowman takes us on a global journey into forest canopies, tracing her geek-childhood as a nature nut into adulthood where she works tirelessly to conserve some of the world’s most biodiverse, yet endangered, forests.”

Click here to read the full article and excerpt!

The Arbornaut is available to order now from,  Barnes &, your local independent bookseller, or anywhere else books are sold.