The Arbornaut Featured In Yale Climate Connections’s Year End Book Recommendations

On December 13 2021, Meg Lowman’s recent memoir  The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth Continent in the Trees Above Us featured in Yale Climate Connections’ 12 Books on Climate and The Planet for The Holidays. Here is a sneak peek into the insightful article:

“Another COVID year behind. Another COVID winter ahead.

A 26th global climate meeting just adjourned. New, and necessarily tougher, meetings on the schedule.

A historic bipartisan infrastructure bill on the books. In Washington, the more aggressive climate and social justice bill, “the budget reconciliation bill,” still in the balance.

And records, oh so many records, broken – for fire, for rain, and for temperatures.

Are there books that can meet this moment? Books that can lift burdened spirits over the holidays?

Yale Climate Connections has identified a dozen.

Wrap one up for a relative or a friend. Or for yourself.”

Read the full article here!

The Arbornaut is available to order now from,  Barnes &, your local independent bookseller, or anywhere else books are sold.